Data Science Internship 2 with PMOD/WRC


Data Science Internship with external pagePMOD/WRC

The Little Ice Age (LIA) is commonly referred to the period 1300-1850 CE, characterized by anomalously cold climate in Europe. There is still a debate about the details concerning this period. For example, the available climate proxy data and direct records which are mostly confined to certain regions mainly in the Northern Hemisphere raise the question if the LIA was a global or a regional phenomenon. Furthermore, it is still unclear which forcing caused the LIA and to which extent. Was it mainly changes in solar irradiance, volcanic activity, or internal variability of the climate system? Recently, an improved version of the global paleo-reanalysis was produced covering the years from 1600 to 2005. The advantage of reanalysis data is that it has global coverage contrary to proxy data. The project aims to compare available proxy data with reanalysis data to get a better understanding of the climate variations during the LIA. The outcome of the project will provide confidence in further projects investigating the LIA.

Qualifications required: MSc or BSc (ETH students only); basic knowledge of netCDF data format, Shell and CDO; flexibility in data processing and visualization with Python.

Start date: Time (in 2023) mutually agreed upon.

Duration: 1 month. It is expected that you spend 2 to 3 weeks of that time in Davos.

Financials: Train travel to/from and accommodation in Davos are covered. A CHF 800 stipend will be provided.

More information and application: Dr. Timofey Sukhodolov, .

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