Data Science Internship with PMOD/WRC & Lab42


Data Science Internship with external pagePMOD/WRC & external pageLab42

The Sun is a source of the continuous flow of particles, the so-called solar wind. Solar activity and the solar wind influence the interplanetary medium, are dangerous to satellites, and have a negative impact on our technology on Earth. The origin of the solar wind and the connection between the solar wind and the solar wind source is not fully resolved. Especially the role of the small spatial scale structures (e.g., jets), which are numerous in the solar atmosphere, is still an open question. An advanced algorithm for jet detection was built during the ETH Studio Davos project by Luka Skolc. The spacecraft Solar Orbiter provides images of the solar atmosphere close to the Sun providing the highest-resolution image of the Sun’s atmosphere ever. These provide observations of the smallest size scale jets ever observed. This project aims to take a first step towards identifying small-scale jets using a fully automatic algorithm with Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Qualifications required: MSc or BSc (ETH students only); IT or computational physics background; experience in Python programming.

Earliest project start: November 2023.

Duration: 1 month. It is expected that you spend most of that time in Davos.

Financials: Train travel to/from and accommodation in Davos are covered. A CHF 800 stipend will be provided.

More information and application: Dr. Krzysztof Barczynski, ; Prof. Louise Harra, ; Dr. Rolf Pfister, .


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